Family Chapter


Family Chapter

$5.00 $2.00

Read about the different facets of the family and the challenges the institution of family faces in these changing times.



GP Issues Book 3 Chapter on Family comprises of 40 pages.

The contents of this chapter include:

a. Decline of the family

b. Rising divorce rates

c. Dark side of the family

d. Factors impacting the family

e Alternative Family

The chapter also includes 5 essays with the following questions:

  1. The wedding band is the smallest handcuff in the world. Discuss.
  2. Is marriage necessary when people are becoming more liberal?
  3. An unhappy marriage is best resolved through divorce. Comment.
  4. Is the idea of having one life partner for life still a realistic idea?
  5. Children are a blessing under the guise of burden. To what extent do you agree?



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