Skills: Analogies

Types of People Vocab Ex 1

Words that appear in this exercise:

1. Savant
2. Itinerant
3. Machiavelian
4. Luddite
5. Philistine
6. Bohemian
7. Kleptomaniac


This exercise contains the following words:

1. Savant - is a person with serious mental disabilities, including autistic disorder, demonstrates profound capacities.

2. Itinerant - a person travelling from place to place, especially to perform work or duty: an itinerant judge; itinerant labour.

3. Machiavelian - using cunning in politics.

4. Luddite - one who fears technology and its impact. (Read historical context).

5. Philistine - a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them.

6. Bohemian - in modern usage, the term "Bohemian" is applied to people who live unconventional, usually artistic, lives.

7. Kleptomaniac - an obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need.

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Jit Sharma
Role : Teacher, Founder
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  • Experience : 23 years
  • Specialist in : Argumentative Writing
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