Mass Media

Mass Media: Basic Facts

Mass media helps people to communicate and connect with friends and family on various levels. With advancements in technology, platforms like television and social media have made people more aware about the current events. Many studies have found that individuals adapt their use of mass media to their own particular needs. Broadly speaking, people use the media for leisurely activities, for communication, for surveillance, and for interpretation.

Mass media platforms like television have often been held responsible of showing information that is biased in nature. Television is responsible for portraying reality from only one perspective. Many television news channels show only one side of the story which represent only their cultural and political view. For example, in the United States, Fox News Channel has practiced biased reporting by favouring Republican Party and portraying the Democratic Party in a negative light. The biased reporting of can be detrimental to the integrity of news and can also affect the thinking ability of the people. Furthermore, in countries with severe censorship people are more likely to believe in whatever they watch on TV. For example, in China CGTN has been under investigation by the UK for only representing the point of view of the Communist Party of China. Biased news on TV can inhibit people's critical thinking, especially when everything is accepted without question.


In terms of newspapers and magazines, it can reach a specified target group. Besides, it is easily accessible. For example, the newspaper lands on the doorstep and people have access to the latest news due to the television set. Certain types of media have a loyal fan following. This would mean that an advertiser, publication or news channel would have a ready audience. The symbiotic relationship of old and new media plus investigative journalism from independent non-profit organisations like ProPublica have brought a greater degree of transparency to governments than ever before. Today, people have access to the latest news and information at the click of the mouse! The Internet is such a medium that it can give many options for the kind of information required.

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Jit Sharma
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