
Grammar Original: Making Sure Subject and Verb Agree

Subjects and verbs must agree in two ways: number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). These two general rules hold through all the different subject/verb guidelines. As a rule, plural subjects end in -s and plural verbs do not end in -s.

Many sentences have subjects and verbs that appear side by side.

Typical singular subject followed directly by the verb, eg
The Singapore government establishes national parks on an ongoing basis, such as the six parks formed in the new towns.

Do not get confused into thinking that a singular subject needs a verb without an -s. The plural version would be governments establish

Typical plural subject followed directly by the verb, eg
National parks provide wonderful opportunities for people to commune with nature.

The subject 'parks' is plural and it agrees with 'provide'. The singular version would be park provides.

(Next Lesson) Joining Plural Verbs to Compound or Double Subjects_2
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