
Glossary on Education

Access - Refers to opportunities to use devices, infrastructure, and the environment, to get learning material online, to tap into experts, reach a range of viewpoints, new knowledge, each other's learning, and advice and guidance.

Active Learning – Students are involved in the learning, working on activities that help them to learn, not just sitting 'receiving' wisdom. Such activities might include discussions, working collaboratively on a project, designing a presentation to share findings or performing an experiment.

Agility – In the context of education, it is the ability and disposition to respond to changing students' needs - both at the system level and in teaching.

Blended Learning – A combination of different modes of learning. Blended learning is often used to refer specifically to combination courses that use both in-classroom and online distance learning techniques.

Cohort - Group of persons who jointly experience a series of events over a period. A school cohort is defined as a group of pupils who enter the first grade of a given cycle in the same school year.

Curriculum – The courses and contents offered by educational institutions. Curriculum may be determined, either partially or completely, by external bodies.

Didactic – A style of teaching that is more like a lecture, a more 'traditional' transmission of information. It means that students are instructed rather than actively participating in the learning.

Digital Divide – The gap that exists between those who can and those who cannot use technology. This technology can include telephone, television, personal computers and the Internet. Sometimes the divide is a result of issues with access to the internet or devices.

eBook – An electronic version of a traditional printed book that can be downloaded from the Internet and read on a computer or handheld device.

Experiential Education - Better known as learning by doing or hands-on learning, experiential education is the process of engaging students actively in an experience with benefits and consequences in an authentic manner.

Learning - Acquisition of attitudes, knowledge, skills, and/or values through experience, study, or teaching.

Over Learning - The concept that newly acquired skills should be used beyond mastery to the point where they are automatic.

Pedagogy - The art and science of teaching, from the Greek paidagogos. The Latin for pedagogy is education and is much more widely used, though they are interchangeable.

Self-Efficacy - A belief system that sees individuals as having the capability execute a course or courses of action that is necessary to manage potential situations

Visual Learning - The proven teaching method where students are encouraged to think and learn more effectively using graphic organizers.

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Jit Sharma
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  • Experience : 23 years
  • Specialist in : Argumentative Writing
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