
Euthanasia: Known Issues

Supporters of Euthanasia believe that legalizing euthanasia would help alleviate the suffering of terminally ill patients. It would be inhuman and unfair to make them endure the unbearable pain. In case of individuals suffering from incurable diseases or in conditions where effective treatment would not affect their quality of life; they should be given the liberty to choose induced death. Also, the motive of euthanasia is to "aid-in-dying" painlessly and thus should be considered and accepted by law. Although killing to defend oneself is far different from mercy killing, the law does find it worth approving.


An issue that often is cited in opposition of euthanasia is that family heirs can misuse the euthanasia rights for wealth inheritance. Family members influencing the patient’s decision into euthanasia for personal gains like wealth inheritance is another issue. There is no way you can be sure if the decision towards assisted suicide is voluntary or forced by others. It can be inferred that though euthanasia is banned worldwide, passive euthanasia has always been out there which can also be called as passive killing and moreover law does not prohibit it. Disrespect and overuse of (passive) euthanasia has always existed and will be practised by surrogates with false motives. These are the ones who do not need a law to decide on one’s life. Present legal restrictions leave both the incurable patients as well as pro-euthanasia activists helpless who approve euthanasia as a goodwill gesture for patient’s dignity


Many religions oppose euthanasia and some of them forbid it completely. The Roman Catholic church, for example, is one of the most active organisations in opposing euthanasia. Many religious leaders contend that human lives are special because God created them therefore human life should be protected and preserved, whatever happens therefore we should not interfere with God's plans by shortening human lives.


Some Eastern religions take a different approach. The key ideas in their attitudes to death are achieving freedom from mortal life, and not-harming living beings. Euthanasia clearly conflicts with the second of these, and it interferes with the first. Many also believe that Human life deserves exceptional security and protection. Advanced medical technology has made it possible to enhance human life span and quality of life. Palliative care and rehabilitation centres are better alternatives to help disabled or patients approaching death live a pain-free and better life.

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Jit Sharma
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