
Possible Solutions for Immigration

In most cases, today migrants are displaced by war, famine, and other hardships. Migrants and immigrants face hostile political rhetoric, overcrowded camps, and limited options.


BOOSTING LEGAL MIGRATION is one of the solutions to the problem of undocumented migrants and immigrants. For example, in the United States creation of more work visas for people to work in areas of the U.S. labour market where there currently are shortages—for example, in the agriculture or elder-care sectors.


"India continues to be the main origin of international migrants, with 17.5 million Indian-born people living abroad. Mexico and China both also have more than 10 million former residents spread around the world.


Estimates of the number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. range from 10.5 million to 12 million, or approximately 3.2%–3.6% of the population.


Immigration brings in NEW OPPORTUNITIES for the people of different countries. It exposes the people of a nation to the atmosphere of another country that may be very different from one's motherland. Immigration has resulted in gifting the knowledge of one nation to another, thus resulting in the creation of new fields of education and newer career options. Immigration results in an open global market. It gives a global perspective to the social and economic growth of society, thus widening the horizons of the development. Supporters of immigration believe that immigration has the potential of bringing about global prosperity.

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Jit Sharma
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