Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: The Debate

Many discussions of cloud computing start with an assumption that cloud services are less secure than their legacy enterprise software counterparts. On the other hand, there are others who believe that cloud computing services today are more reliable and secure than in the past. While many believe that cloud computing debates over security are over. There are many companies who are holding back users from moving data into a hosted environment – and those fears remain. So is the cloud really a safe option?


At most companies, the loss of a key executive's laptop would be a major cause for worry. But cloud technology has allowed people to save sensitive company data on the internet. Many companies trust the cloud today: It delivers more innovation at a far lower cost and complexity. And although there are still customers who prefer to trust the devil they know, more each day are rejecting the cost, complexity and meagre returns of client/server technologies and are choosing cloud computing.


Consider this:  Have new technologies created more problems than benefits?

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Jit Sharma
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  • Experience : 23 years
  • Specialist in : Argumentative Writing
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